Contact us Personal information:Company Name:Chamber of Commerce:Name: *E-mail address: *Phone number: *Why are you contacting us?Annual inclusion programContactDemo requestEmpathy WorkshopEvent registrationHire IBias VR as speakerRequest a quoteInformation that is important to know:Which VR Workshop do you prefer?Cultural diversityReligionLGBTQAI+GenderPowerUnacceptable behaviorGenerational diversityRestriction physical or mentalAvailable budget: *Although we offer payment plans, our services start at €2,000 excl. VAT.Describe the target audience: *What is your question?What is the location? *Good to know for the contract:Which event do you want to register for?SPARQZONEVR workshop: Harassment with virtual reality for your business - English versionVR workshop: Harassment with virtual reality for your business - Dutch versionHow did you come to us?Google adsFacebookLinkedInInstagramRadiopodcastTVYouTubeOtherwiseMultiple answers possibleYes, I agree to the processing of my personal data. Submit